Buckets Practice Planner

Introducing the Buckets Practice Planner: Ultimate Tool for Scientific and Efficient Practice Design

Practice planning is a critical component in coaching. It is is more than a schedule of activities; it’s a carefully crafted tool. Well-structured practices can hone skill, develop tactics and optimize physical conditioning. Coaches who are masterful in building practice can significantly enhance their team’s chances of achieving their goals.

However, practice planning can be an intricate puzzle to master.

For one, coaches must balance his/her training goal with the practical constraints of time and player availability, as well as build upon previous learning while also introducing new concepts in a coherent way.

Another challenge lies in planning variations in training intensity and volume across different seasonal phases to avoid over/under-training and to peak performance at the right time.

Crafted with coaches in mind, I’ve crafted the Buckets Practice Planner to help coaches plan with more scientific precision, ease, and efficiency.

Buckets Practice Planner
the Buckets Practice Planner

What Makes a Coach Love the Practice Planner

Seamless Practice Planning: Gone are the days of agonizing over practice schedules and intensity levels. Manage practice time efficiently with intuitive scheduling features, keep training session organized with availability management and team assignments. You can focus your energy on what truly matters – shaping the practice session to meet your team’s needs.

Precise Drill Selection: The Buckets Practice Planner offers a comprehensive library of drills, from skill development to offense, defense, and transition drills. Each drill was carefully quantified for its load and intensity based on extensive historic data, making it easy to select exercises that align with your tactical and physical objectives. No more guesswork – just efficient, purposeful training.

Data-Driven Insights: Harness the power of real-time feedback to fine-tune your sessions effortlessly. With a keen eye on practice load and intensity, sync your training approach with the ever-evolving needs of your team. Customizing drills and adjusting training intensity based on recommendations from the performance staff has never been simpler or more intuitive.

Drill Database
Comprehensive Drill Database

Use the Planner Today

Join the top basketball coaches leading the way in innovative coaching with the Buckets Practice Planner. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to coaching, I invite you to utilize, customize, and refine the planner to make it your own. Feel free to reach out if I can assist in making it more beneficial for you, and together, we’ll improve it for coaches everywhere.

To use the planner, please visit this GoogleDrive Link and kindly introduce yourself and maybe even what you’d need help with. I’d love to know more about how I can help!